"Mmmmmmm tortellini......"OH MY GOSH!!!!! 21 MONTHS??? CRAZINESS!
Height 31 inches - only 5th percentile (shorty!)
Weight 26lbs - only 25th percentile
Current favorite food: Spinach and cheese tortellini
Favorite beverage: Breast milk STILL
Favorite shows: Yo Gabba Gabba, Max and Ruby, and Wow Wow Wubbzy
Favorite toys: Yo Gabba Gabba dolls
Favorite book: Max Counts His Chickens
Favorite activity: Art
What's she saying right now?"BEAUTIFUL!" "Where is_____?"
What's new?Horrible temper tantrums and nightmares. Awesome. We're back to getting up every couple hours. She's also getting to where she wants to take care of things. She loves doting on her baby doll and trying to wipe Zoe's butt.
Up Next?Potty training. She's very intrigued by it and wants to sit on it. She'll stay there for a sec but then says "No." and jumps off. She wants to watch everybody go and would like to help wipe. Her new baby doll goes potty and this is FASCINATING.
Also, time to start working on birthday party #2. Can't wait!