Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Who IS that foxy baby in the mirror?
I'm 22 months today! Seriously, 2 mere months away from being 2! What am I up to right now? Tantrums, tantrums, and more tantrums... but I'm so cute even THOSE are funny.
Month 22 Milestones:
Most children should be able to . . .
-Follow two step directions - Yep: Go in your room and get a diaper.
-Imitate others behavior - She puts on eye makeup. Wonder who she's imitating.
-Show good signs of bladder control - Dry diaper after nap time!
-Start to learn up to 10 words or more per day - Guess I should start counting...
Some children will probably be able to . . .
-Like puzzles - LOVES puzzles
-Identify several part of body - She knows just about all of them.
-Walk down stairs with some assistance - Uh, I wish she'd use assistance.
-Form short but complete and understandable sentences - "What did you do???" (When we turn cartoons off.
-Open and close doors - Slams doors like a teenager and opens the front door to leave... on her own.
Some children could possibly be able to . . .
Put on and take off clothing alone - Yeah. Prefers to take off diapers.
Start understanding opposites (hot and cold, etc.) Knows the oven is hot and ice cubes are cold.
Form three or four word sentences - See above.
Use up to 40 or more single words - I think I'll work on a list of everything she says. It's gotta be over 40.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Athena + Annabelle = BFF
Aaaaaaaaaand the pictures stop because Athena ripped it apart to make Annabelle laugh. I put the thing back together (trying to mask the hole that's now in it) and we got the heck out of dodge.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
I feel as though they should be called the "Terrifying Twos"
General truth about the terrible twos: Two-year-olds are opinionated.
Why it’s tough: Two-year-olds are opinionated. But so are sixteen-year-olds, five-year-olds, and nine-year-olds. Two-year-olds probably get the bad rap, then, because they have opinions without a shred of self-consciousness — they couldn’t care less if you’re in public when they decide it’s worth shrieking bloody murder to defend their principles.
Why it’s not so terrible: If you think about it, at least with two-year-olds, you know where you stand. They aren’t shy about letting you know what they want, which is more than you might get from a cagey teenager.
General truth about the terrible twos: Two-year-olds have flawed reasoning.
Why it’s tough: While two-year-olds can talk (either sort of, or completely, depending on the kid), their reasoning sometimes calls for a code breaker. You can argue with — or even disagree with — a coherent opinion. But a sobbing two-year-old sometimes doesn’t make any sense, and it’s difficult to calm someone down when you have no clear notion of what’s upsetting her.
Why it’s not so terrible: You can be pretty sure you’ll be able to outwit a two-year-old. So even if you’re not entirely clear about what’s troubling her, you have a great shot at distracting her. And, hey, when dealing with an opinionated two-year-old, you also have size on your side. You can always pick her up and remove her from a situation, which is something you can’t always do with a grade-schooler.
General truth about the terrible twos: Two-year-olds are slaves to their moods.
Why it’s tough: They’re hungry. Or tired. And in between, they’re often cranky. So are we, of course, but two-year-olds don’t have the ability to rise above it the way older people do. Sometimes their mental or physical gas tanks hit empty — and a two-year-old running on fumes is not a pretty sight.
Why it’s not so terrible: Fortunately, if you know this about two-year-olds, you can guard against meltdowns by being prepared with snacks and engaging toys, and by tackling errands (or activities) after your child has napped. With a little planning, you really can circumvent some ugly scenes.
General truth about the terrible twos: Two-year-olds have nothing better to do.
Why it’s tough: A snit that lasts all morning and makes everyone late is not a problem for a two-year-old. It’s not as if she’s got other plans for the day.
Why it’s not so terrible: If you tell someone you were late because you were managing a tantrum from your two-year-old, you will most likely be met with sympathy. This ready-made excuse for lateness can come in handy…even on days when your toddler isn’t to blame.
General truth about the terrible twos: It’s a state of mind.
Why it’s tough: The “terrible twos” can hit at 18 months or at 34 months. It’s less an age than a stage of development, so you may be dealing with it when you least expect it.
Why it’s not so terrible: Your child may breeze right by year two (or three) without making you think the word “terrible” — especially if you make a point of focusing on (and savoring) — the wonderful moments that undoubtedly mark the terrific twos.
See more toddler behavior and discipline tips.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
An evening with Mommy
Found some rogue violets to transplant as our own.
Got up close and personal with some friendly, busy ants.
Collected some rocks.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Athena and Zoe
Ms. Bee tries so hard to walk Zoe, but she is a COMPLETE PSYCHO when the leash comes out. Luckily Athena thinks it's hilarious even when it hits her. Her Zo Zo can do no wrong.