Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm 20 Months Old!

Can you believe it? I'm mere months away from turning 2! Doesn't it feel like I was just a teeny tiny infant?

So here's what I'm up to this month:

Singing, dancing, going for walks, and drawing are my favorite things to do.

My favorite thing to dance to:

I totally drew a triangle the other day

My sentences are getting longer. I can say "ODB! Get your nummies!" And then I take responsibility for feeding my dogs.

I still hate sleeping and I still hate having my diaper changed.

I just discovered fish sticks and I think they're swell.

I've had my first haircut given to me by my Yia Yia!

Potty training is next up! I'm obsessed with sitting on the potty... just nothing has happened yet!

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