Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Fourth Month

I'm 4 Months Old!!!Date: 11/21/2007
I'm 4 months old today, and I have changed SO much! I'm very grabby, have great hand/eye coordination, and can now roll over back to front and front to back! I went to the doctor today and he just can't believe how strong I am!
I'm talkin' now!Date: 11/17/2007
All morning while I was hanging out with Daddy I was working on my different letter sounds. I can say B's, T's, G's, and so much more. My Dad was quite impressed.
The World is FunnyDate: 11/08/2007
I've giggled once or twice up until now, but today I laughed out loud. Mommy bent down and got in my face and I thought she looked hysterical. Then, this LOUD noise came out of my little butt and that was even funnier!!
I'm gonna crawl!Date: 11/05/2007
Today I started to use mom as a spring board while we were having tummy time. I was pushing off her legs and swimming my little arms and I actually started to creep across the floor! It was so much fun!!!! I can NOT WAIT to make mommy chase me!!!
I flipped over!Date: 11/01/2007
Today while mom and I were playing on the floor in my room I pushed off her hands and flipped over from my back to my belly for the very first time! I'm getting so big and strong! I swear soon I'll be crawling... just you watch!

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