Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Third Month

Date: 10/13/2007
Mommy and Gammy took my to the Pumpkin Patch for the very first time. We had so much fun taking pictures, getting cider, and mommy bought me my very first pumpkins!

My First GiggleDate: 10/15/2007
Mommy and I were playing in her bed. I was sitting on her and she made a funny face and I giggled for the very first time!!

I'm 3 months old!Date: 10/21/2007
I'm 3 months old today! I'm getting to be such a big girl and I'm changing so much and growing every day! My colic is starting to subside and that sure makes mom and dad a lot happier! Now all I need to do is sleep longer than 2 hours at a time...

I'm so fun!!Date: 10/30/2007
Today while mom and I were playing on the floor she put my toy just out of my reach. Well, I finally figured out that I can reach out and get it myself!Also, daddy had me flying up in the air above his head and I laughed hard at him for the very first time.

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